Purposeful Preparation: What I’ve learned from Autumn

It’s been sixty days since I decided to begin sharing my thoughts again. And I’ll say, it’s changed my life in so many ways. Unapologetically morphing into my old self, 

before everything. 

It’s really the timing of it all, honestly. 

The dust is finally settling from the faithful summer that just passed to another hemisphere a little earlier than all of us expected and I am watching the wind pick up the rest of the stragglers left from summer’s hot breath. 

I’m ready for all that my imagination has set me up to seek, and then some. My favorite season is creeping in like it is supposed to. 

The air, crisp, stirring with purpose, calls the soul to stillness. 

It’s been a season of static and status.

I’m hibernating before Winter, but not before I fall in love with Autumn. 

Stillness beckons me to my thoughts and solitude. 

Solitude. A treasure. A teacher. A friend. 

I asked a while back, “What’ll I take, what’ll I leave?

Autumn is upon us. We’d like to say it’s early, but her strength lies in her purposefulness. Summer has done its job and the season is coming to a close. 

The season of maturation is upon us. 

It’s get-ready season and what better way to get ready is there than cleansing? 

We’ve been tripped up by the theory that faking it until we make it is the way to reach our higher selves. 

Facing it until you conquer it is more like what nature is trying to show us.

Summer makes way for Autumn, Autumn  makes way for Winter and Spring succeeds them all as a new cycle of life is born. 

Even the seasons have to be purposeful.

For the first time in a long while, Summer’s ended at the beginning of September. You can feel it in the air, once breathy and still, now crisp and restless. 

The chill invites you to get lost in the determination of the fall. Autumn is making cuts as she scours the regions and prepares the earth to transition and mature. Looking for signs of resignation and ambition. 

Who are her winds going to push forward or send spinning?

She gives us the choice. Every time.

Surrender to your higher self and it won’t ever steer you wrong. You can be carried forward or sent spinning. 

 The choice is yours.

Connect with old thoughts, feelings  and ideas. You never know what will spring forth from stirring your mind. 

Maturation is all about being ready. Even when you don’t think you are. 

Especially when you don’t think you are.

What are some things that you believe indicate that you’re not ready? 

Reflect. Review. Cleanse, no Purge.

It’s all about connecting 

with Time, Place and Spirit.

Time rules the seasons. Connect with the seasons of time and take note. The one thing they always have in common that remains a constant in their nature is that no matter what, the seasons are purposeful and prepared.

It’s crucial to be purposeful and prepared when exploring place and spirit. Taking notes never hurt anyone. 

It’s all about being ready. 

Connect with Autumn and be ready to see what she has to show you. 

It’s one thing not to know, but a whole other if you’re not ready when it’s time. 

Be purposeful and prepare.


  1. Author Karimah G · September 14, 2015

    Although I live in Florida, early autumn was always one of my favorite times of the year in Philadelphia with the change of colors in the leaves as well as the cool, crisp air arriving. What a wonderful post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kamtrekker · September 15, 2015

      Thank you for reading! It’s been a while since an early Autumn, and they’re always refreshing for me. Alhumdullilah!


  2. Pingback: “Respect the Technique” Purposeful Preparation Part II: Knowing the Working Process | KamTrek

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